Tuba GÖREN & Vasile ZİTFCİ Hatay Bilsem & Erzincan Bilsem twinned for M.A.R.S Project. Here are some details from our meeting. On 20th December 2020, Tuba GÖREN’s Team from HATAY BİLSEM and Vasile ZİFTCİ’s team from ERZİNCAN BİLSEM met online via zoom. First we introduced ourselves to each other. Then, we started to use our web 2.0 tools. Our first web 2.0 https://www.textgiraffe.com to prepare their name as logo and they uploaded them to the padlet. Our second tool was a game tool “ https://www.blooket.com/host?id=5fddfce868a5c70004b3bda4 ” to practice the new words related with solar system. Our third tool is https://login.pixton.com/48qr9 . The students prepared their avatar to take photos of the day with different themes as background. Our fourth tool is https://board.net/p/Mars_twinning_Hatay%26Erzincan_B%C4%B0LSEMs . The students wrote a story depending on a photo in the document. T...